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    Upholding commitments, speaking truthfully, acting with determination.
    Maintaining integrity and self-discipline, and ensuring transparency.

Nurture the Soul with Integrity and Build the Business with Honesty - Carry out a Series of Activities for the Construction of Integrity Grid in Chengdu Base

  • 2023-06-07

  • Page views:861

In order to further strengthen employees' awareness of honesty, improve the supervision network system, and promote communication between the Group Headquarter and the subsidiaries, audit departments and business departments, recently, the Audit and Supervision Center joins the comprehensive management department of Chengdu Base to carry out a series of activities for the construction of honesty grid, creating a clean and upright working atmosphere for the high-quality and healthy development of the company.

Project entry meeting

On May 22, in order to promote the effective implementation of the honesty grid construction project, the project entry meeting is successfully held in the conference room on the fourth floor of Chengdu Bamo Base. Li Longqing, Executive Deputy General Manager of Chengdu Base; Wang Liangpo, Quality Director of Chengdu Base; Li Tingfa, Equipment Director of Chengdu Base; Wei Kai, Deputy General Manager of Production and Operation Center of New Energy Industry Group; and Xi Hong, General Manager of Audit and Supervision Center of Group and other leading officials attend the meeting.

At the meeting, General Manager Xi Hong explains the importance of honesty from the national level to the enterprise level. Huayou will also deter the potential dishonest behaviors through honesty education and create a clean and upright working atmosphere for everyone. Li Longqing, Executive Vice General Manager, welcomes the arrival of the Audit and Supervision Center, and states that the Chengdu Base will vigorously cooperate with it to jointly participate in the construction of honesty, and jointly build a clean working environment. Zhao Yan, Deputy Minister of Supervision, introduces the project and shares the work plan of one week after the project's entry, and at the end of the entry meeting, a propaganda on Honesty, Integrity, and the Nature of Huayou is given.


Organize a face-to-face forum between the business department and the audit department, with 11 departments including the finance department, equipment department, and testing center from the Chengdu Base participating in the business audit forum. The business department introduces the department profile, business risks, risk control measures, and business coordination & decisions, then both parties conduct the deep communication and analysis on how to strengthen the connection and cooperation between business audits, as well as the problems and solutions in the current business process, to promote the unification and mutual promotion between business and audit, and jointly improve the management level of the enterprise.

At the same time, they actively organize a forum on honesty for suppliers, during which there is a propaganda on Honest Huayou, Transparent Procurement, and convey the spirit of the Chairman's "Capable and Honest Officials" speech, as well as the achievements of Huayou's anti-corruption culture construction, to the representatives of all suppliers attending the meeting. The two parties deeply discusses the importance of incorruptible management, and jointly commits to integrating the concept of incorruptible management into all aspects of the enterprise, promoting the honesty construction of the supply chain, creating a good environment for fair competition and honest cooperation, so as to make the cooperation relationship more stable, and enhance the sustainability of enterprise development.

Cultural activities

During the construction of the integrity grid in Chengdu Bamo, the Audit and Supervision Center also organizes a series of cultural activities with the theme of integrity. By promoting the anti-corruption culture, organizing the honest wishes activities, watching the anti-corruption warning educational film Keep Sounding the Bugle, and conducting the propaganda of holding on the bottom line and red line, and other activities, it promotes and popularizes the anti-corruption culture, encourages employees to participate in the construction of anti-corruption culture, guides all employees to hold discipline in awe and respect, and do not cross the bottom line, enhances the awareness of integrity and self-discipline, and builds a strong ideological defense against corruption.

Always maintain the awareness of integrity, and hold discipline in awe. By adhering to the principle of simultaneously punishing & preventing and focusing on prevention, the Audit and Supervision Center, through this integrity grid project, accelerates the construction of Huayou's anti-corruption culture system at the Chengdu Base, promotes all officials and employees to practice the core concept of "Integrity, the Nature of Huayou", and continuously promotes to realize the uptight and honest of enterprise and employees, so as to speed up the achievement of the great goal of "Completing the Task of Ten Years in Five Years" and build one of the top global leaders in new energy lithium battery materials by providing a positive and anti-corruption culture support.