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    Upholding commitments, speaking truthfully, acting with determination.
    Maintaining integrity and self-discipline, and ensuring transparency.

Lighting up the Huayou map with actions

  • 2024-02-05

  • Page views:913

In 2023, the Audit and Supervision Centre's Supervision Gridding Team started the journey of "Lighting up the map of Huayou", completing the construction of integrity grids in Tianjin BAMO, Chengdu BAMO and Jiangsu Huayou Energy in March, May and September respectively.


The integrity grid project is an activity to build a culture of integrity by focusing on integrity and compliance, using grid management as a tool, organically combining training, publicity and supervision. In August 2023, the project was awarded the "Best Innovative Project Award" in the 2nd  “Integrity and Compliance Innovation Award for Private Enterprise" due to its innovative, sustainable and replicable features.


 To fully create an atmosphere of honesty and integrity, the integrity grid project puts up posters and other promotional materials, distributes bookmarks with integrity aphorisms, places pendulums with integrity quotes and organises staff to sign a commitment to integrity.



The project focuses on the bottom line red line publicity, gambling, drug abuse and telecom fraud knowledge popularisation,endeavours to enable all employees to have access to integrity education courses.


In order to promote communication between the Group Headquarter and the subsidiaries, audit departments and business departments, the Audit and Supervision Center joins the comprehensive management department to organize face-to-face forums between the business department and the audit department, with the common purpose of jointly improving the management level of the enterprise.



 The Integrity Grid Project organises activities such as themed film viewing and integrity statements to widely mobilise employees and their families to participate in the co-construction and co-creation of the culture of integrity, and to further create a working atmosphere in which everyone learns to be honest.


 Next station:Guangxi and Africa

At present, the business of the Guangxi Huayou base continues to develop, and the work of the African company is carried out in an orderly manner. The Audit and Supervision Centre plans to light up the Guangxi and African region on the map of Huayou in 2024, complete the construction of the integrity grid of these two places, bring together the strengths of the staff to cooperatively push forward the construction of the integrity in Huayou, and escort the sustainable and high-quality development of the company.