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    Openness, Perseverance,Advancing with the times

56200 Milliliters! Extend Our Arm and Let Love Flow!

  • 2023-06-26

  • 企业新闻

  • Page views:1057


Recently, Huayou Quzhou Industrial Park organized the "Acts of Love, Standing Together with Passion" voluntary blood donation activity. A total of 242 employees from various positions in Huayou registered on-site, and 176 people successfully donated blood, contributing a total blood volume of 56,200 milliliters. Through their tangible actions, they selflessly shared their love and spread the warmth of Huayou's people.


In the early morning, employees had already formed queues in front of the main building, eagerly awaiting their turn to donate blood. The atmosphere on-site was filled with love and warmth. Guided by the central blood station staff, everyone diligently completed the blood donation registration forms, underwent blood tests, and, once deemed qualified after the blood examination, patiently waited for their turn to donate blood.


Among the participants in the blood donation queue, there were both first-time donors and regular contributors. Jiang Yongqian from the Pyrometallurgy Plant, for example, has been voluntarily donating blood since 2010, with a remarkable total of 71 donations, amounting to 26,200 milliliters. This is approximately equivalent to the blood volume of five adults. Jiang has become a familiar face at the blood center, consistently making time to donate blood whenever there is a need. It is worth highlighting that Jiang Yongqian also received the prestigious 15th Quzhou Volunteer Blood Donation Camphor Award for his remarkable contributions this year. In an interview with Quzhou Daily, he expressed, "In the future, as long as there is a need, I will continue to donate. I am willing to make more contributions and save more lives."


On the other hand, Liu Zhiyu from the New Energy Industry Group and Zhang Zhennan from the Quzhou Fund Management Department have participated in the voluntary blood donation activity for the first time. After being informed by the central blood station staff about the potential use of donated hematopoietic stem cells in treating numerous patients with blood diseases, they promptly provided blood samples and applied to join the Chinese Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donor Database. Zhang Zhennan remarked, "As a Party member, I should always set an example and play an exemplary role. With each new donor, there is increased hope for leukemia patients. My aspiration is to successfully donate one day and contribute to saving lives." 

With passion and heart, deepest love is no words, 

Huayou's cadres and staffs give their love to the society through practical deeds,

Which selflessly showcases their care for all, society behold, 

And manifests the humanistic love of Huayou people.