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Huayou wins BSI “Standards Pioneer Award” again

  • 2024-07-17

  • Page views:729

Recently, the 7th Internet of EverythingIntelligence Summit Forum was held in Shanghai, hosted by the British Standards Institution (BSI), an internationally recognized authoritative standards organization. At the forum, BSI presented the “Standards Pioneer Award” to Huayou Cobalt, recognizing the company for taking the lead in introducing and continuously promoting the ISO 37001 anti-bribery management system certification within and outside the industry.


Dr. Tatiana Schmollack-Tarasova, General Manager of BSI Greater China, presented the award to Huayou Cobalt, and Yue Zhaohong, Deputy Head of Internal Control and Financial Audit Department of the Audit and Supervision Center (second from right), received the award on behalf of the company.

It is reported that Huayou Cobalt has already received the award on June 8, 2023 at the 6th Internet of Everything Intelligence Summit Forum. The company has won the “Standard Pioneer Award” for two consecutive years for its leading integrity and compliance management and industry influence.

Since 2021, Huayou Cobalt has strengthened its operation and management in accordance with ISO 37301 Compliance Management System and ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System, gradually expanded the development and construction of compliance specialties, strengthened the management of intellectual property rights, information security and cybersecurity and other compliance areas, and continuously strengthened its internal control to promote the development of the corporate culture of integrity and compliance.

On March 15, 2023, Huayou was awarded the BSI GB/T 35770-2022/ISO 37301:2021 Compliance Management System Dual Certification, becoming the first new energy lithium-ion material company in the world to be awarded this certification. on June 8, 2023, Huayou was awarded the “Standard Pioneer Award” by BSI for its achievements in the field of compliance.

The company continues to promote the construction of compliance management and anti-bribery management system. On March 13, 2024, Huayou obtained ISO37001:2016 anti-bribery management system certification and ISO37301:2021 compliance management system certification, becoming the first enterprise in the industry to obtain ISO37301 and ISO37001 certifications, which demonstrates the company's firm determination and remarkable results in the construction of integrity and compliance.

In the future, the Company will continue to practice the compliance management policy of “full compliance, senior manager taking the lead, compliance according to the law, and stability to the future” and the anti-bribery management policy of “compliance, leadership, full participation and continuous improvement”, and follow the requirements of local supervision and apply international integrity and compliance standards in accordance with local conditions. On the basis of following the local regulatory requirements, the company will apply international integrity and compliance standards, promote the organic integration of the three management systems of internal control, compliance and ESG, become a benchmark of integrity and compliance in the new energy lithium industry, enhance its brand image and market competitiveness in the international market, and escort the company's high-quality development with the bottom line of integrity and compliance defense.