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    Openness, Perseverance,Advancing with the times

Aim High to Take the Lead, Break Through in Quality, Make Concerted Efforts to Advance the Grand Process for Completing the 10-Year Mission in Five Years

  • 2023-01-10

  • 企业新闻

  • Page views:1036


On January 7, Huayou Cobalt 2023 Working Conference was held at Tongxiang Headquarters. Chen Hongliang, Group President, made a work report entitled Aim High to Take the Lead, Break Through in Quality, Make Concerted Efforts to Advance the Grand Process for Completing the 10-Year Mission in Five Years on behalf of the enterprise. Chen Xuehua, Chairman of the Group, and leaders at or above the level of Vice President of the Group attended the meeting and took their seats at the podium.



Mr. Chen comprehensively summarized and reviewed the work in 2022 and then made an analysis of the current situation. In the report, he talked that 2022 was a critical year for the enterprise to accelerate the transformation, a critical year for high-quality development, a critical year for completing the company’s 10-year mission in five years, and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Huayou Cobalt. 2022 was a productive year for our enterprise. Under the leadership of Chairman Chen Xuehua, we have carried out the general requirements of seeking progress in a stable manner to advance, confronted the impact of the epidemic, resolved operation risks and grasped industrial opportunities to achieve a more complete industrial chain, significantly enhanced competitiveness and greatly improved the business performance. The enterprise development momentum is steady and strong, and we have achieved a series of breakthroughs and landmark results. It is embodied in the following five aspects:

Stable operation to achieve safe development;

Steady progress to improve value-creating capacity;

Science and technology innovation to promote strong growth;

Rapid and stable progress to release a strong development;

Fruitful highlights to demonstrate effective key works.

"Our enterprise has achieved remarkable results in 2022, which is the result of the joint effort of all Huayou people." On behalf of the enterprise, Mr. Chen expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all Huayou people at home and abroad who defied the epidemic, braved the hardships and worked tirelessly! Hereby pay great respect to all of you! He talked that the most dazzling success in 2022 is the tens of billions of revenue growth for three consecutive years, achieving a historic leap from China's top 500 manufacturing private enterprises to China's top 500 private enterprises. In this historic year of the 20th anniversary, we have promoted and achieved historic breakthroughs and landmark results, and made a historic step towards the glory and dream of Huayou people on the journey of completing the 10-year mission in five years.


After reviewing the problems and studying the situation in 2022, Mr. Chen said in his report that 2023 was the first year after the enterprise was ranked among the top 500 private enterprises in China and the middle year of the 10-year mission in five years. As we move forward in 2023, we should grasp the characteristics of the stage, seize the opportunities for development, carry out the management idea of comprehensive coordination, strengthen protection, optimize structure and control risks, strengthen the coordination of production, supply and market, strengthen the matching of resources, production capacity and demand, strive for excellence, improve quality, and make concerted efforts to promote the grand process of completing the 10-year mission in five years.

In the new year, we have to unite our hearts, make joint efforts, and try our best to grasp the following five major areas of work:

First, keep the bottom line to ensure the safe operation

All industrial groups, regional centers and functional systems should take the problem as the guide, solve the loopholes, make up the shortcomings, prevent risks, keep the bottom line, guard the red line, and guarantee the enterprise's smooth operation and safety.

Second, consolidate to improve, and recreate excellent business performance

We should strengthen the coordination of production, supply and market, the matching of resources, production capacity and demand, industrial synergy, structural optimization and domestic and international circulation, solidify the operation foundation, consolidate the development results, improve the business performance and make further efforts to create better business performance.

Third, work hard and actively to maintain strong development momentum

The key to the completion of the 10-year mission in five years, and to the "Three-in-One" transformation and development is in the project. We need to stay firm in the "Two New Areas and Three Trends" development strategy (wherein, the Two New Areas refers to lithium-ion battery materials and new cobalt materials, and the "Three Trends" refers to high-end products, industrial integration, and internationalization of management), co-ordinate domestic and foreign production capacity planning, project construction, park development, aim high, work hard and actively and maintain the hard-won development momentum.

Fourth, take the innovation to drive and support the enterprise transformation and upgrading

Deploy talent chain with the industrial chain to achieve full coverage of high-end talents in the industrial chain; build innovation chain with the industrial chain to enhance the competitiveness of leading product and cost; and support the high-quality transformation development of the enterprise with the integration of industrial chain, talent chain and innovation chain.

Fifth, fully perform duties and enhance the ability of duty fulfillment in a comprehensive manner

With the growing business scale, rapid development and internationalization of the enterprise, it is necessary for the functional system to improve its ability to perform its duties, strive for excellence and improve its quality, to consolidate the operation foundation, improve the business performance and maintain the development speed.

The achievements are encouraging and the goals are inspiring. Mr. Chen said in the report that 2023 is a very important year in the development history of the enterprise and a very vital year in the process of completing the 10-year mission in five years. Judging from the work schedule for 2023, there are many things, heavy tasks and great pressure. Accomplishing our goals throughout the year requires us to maintain a spirit of self-improvement and excellence. On the basis of our enterprise's 20-year development, we should aim high to take the lead, break through in quality and make concerted efforts to advance the grand process for the 10-year mission in five years.

At the conference, Zhou Qifa, Vice President of the Group, read out the Decision on Organizational Adjustment and Appointment and Removal of Relevant Personnel on behalf of the enterprise, and Han Zhenxing, Vice General Manager of the Enterprise Operation and Management Center, read out the 2022 Summary Report on Breakthrough Progress and Landmark Achievements and the 2022 Performance Assessment Report of Major Operating Units. After the conference, all heads of each industrial group and headquarter functional units organized group discussions, carefully studied the spirit of the 2023 work report, clarified the direction of work, strengthened the beliefs, and transformed the corresponding discussion results while studying speeches at the conference.


Meanwhile, venues were also set up at Tongxiang, Quzhou, Guangxi Yulin, Tianjin, Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, South Korea, and Indonesia at the conference, and participants there attended the conferences in the form of live video.