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[Huayou on Media] Tongxiang, the only one in the province!

  • 2024-05-16

  • Page views:1337

Thousands of kilometres away, Pomala Town, Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, a new world-class high-end lithium industrial park is waiting to break ground.

Just a few days ago, 2023 annual evaluation results of the province's overseas economic and trade cooperation zones (hereinafter referred to as "evaluation results") came out, Tongxiang declared the Indonesia Pomala Industrial Park on the list of "newly identified provincial overseas economic and trade cooperation zones", the only one in the province. This is also after Zhenshi Indonesia Huabao Industrial Park, Tongxiang won the second "provincial" overseas economic and trade cooperation zone honours.

This project, jointly invested and constructed by Huayou and Indonesia Rimau Group, is another important project of Huayou in Indonesia, which will build an integrated industrial chain from resource development to full lithium materials.

"Relying on the resources of Pomala laterite nickel mine and the condition base for building a high-quality harbour, we will be committed to building a world-class high-end lithium industrial park with leading technology, resource conservation, environmental friendliness and leading ESG governance." According to Huayou, the park is highly in line with Indonesia's "downstreaming" resource-based economic policy, which is highly valued by the Indonesian government and has been included in Indonesia's national strategic projects.

At the same time, the park is planned to have wharf, living area, power plant and auxiliary facilities, and it is planned to introduce smelting, refining, precursor production and other new energy lithium-ion material enterprises, and there are already several cooperation projects intending to enter the park.

The park will be committed to clean energy drive and resource closure, "futuristic" will also become a major feature of the park. It is reported that the park will also take advantage of cloud computing, Internet of Things, geographic information technology and other high-tech means, customised development of intelligent buildings, intelligent monitoring, intelligent transport, environmental monitoring systems, to create a future-oriented digital park.

The landing of the new project not only accelerates the construction of the local industrial chain, but also brings numerous jobs. "At present, the project is working on the approval and licensing of supporting facilities such as wharves, roads and bridges, and the bidding of works." The relevant person in charge said.

Since in Indonesia in 2018, Huafei has built a number of lithium metal smelting projects in Indonesia with leading technology, resource conservation, environmental friendliness, and leading ESG. Just recently, the Huafei project officially reached production, becoming a key link in the upstream of Huayou's layout of the integrated industrial chain. Meanwhile, along with the successful groundbreaking of the ternary precursor project of Indonesia Huaneng New Materials, Huayou has started a new journey of non-FEOC capacity projects in Indonesia.

Groundbreaking Ceremony of Ternary Precursor Project of Indonesia Huaneng New Materials Company

Riding on the east wind of "One Belt, One Road", Huayou is not the only one participating in the global industrial chain supply chain at a high level. As a result of this evaluation, Zhenshi Indonesia Huabao Industrial Park successfully passed the annual assessment and was confirmed as a second-class park. Now, the park has built several 10,000-tonne wharves, road logistics system, water supply and power supply system, high-quality staff restaurant and other supporting facilities are gradually improved, providing more than 10,000 jobs for the local community.

Tongxiang has more than 80 enterprises to nearly 40 countries (regions) around the world to invest, the total amount of foreign direct investment of more than 12 billion U.S. dollars.