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    Openness, Perseverance,Advancing with the times

Openness and Cooperation, Pioneering Advancement, Focused and Joint Efforts to Accelerate the Enterprise's Three-in-One High-Quality Transformation and Development

  • 2023-01-10

  • 企业新闻

  • Page views:962


From January 7 to January 8, Huayou Cobalt 2023 Working Conference was held in Tongxiang headquarters. Chen Xuehua, Chairman of the Group, made a speech entitled Openness and Cooperation, Pioneering Advancement, Focused and Joint Efforts to Accelerate the Enterprise's Three-in-One High-Quality Transformation and Development.


Mr. Chen said that the 2023 working conference is a very important conference held after the enterprise has been listed in China top 500 private enterprises and has gone through 20 years of development. Not a start, better than a start. It is related to whether we can achieve further growth on the basis of stable performance, whether we can achieve further improvement after entering the list of China's top 500 private enterprises, and whether we can carry forward and make further progress for the 10-year mission in five years. On behalf of the enterprise, President Chen Hongliang made a work report entitled "Aim High to take the lead, Break Through in Quality, Make Concerted Efforts to Advance the Grand Process for the 10-Year Mission in Five Years", identified this year as a very important year in the enterprise's development. It is based on such thinking and work deployment, accurately answering the above three questions, and all industrial groups and functional systems should deeply understand, transform and act in practice and execute proactively.

"Over the past year, we have persisted in seeking progress in stability and fast progress in stability with surprising outcomes," according to Mr. Chen's report in reviewing the achievements in 2022. In the past year, we followed the work requirements of seeking progress in a stable manner and moving forward steadily, achieving safe development, coordinated development, strong development, innovative development and common development, making a series of breakthroughs and landmark achievements, and offering a great gift for the 20th anniversary of the enterprise. Wherein, the biggest breakthrough and the greatest landmark result is the creation of three consecutive years of operating miracle of 10 billion growth in operating income, realizing the leap from China's top 500 manufacturing private enterprises to China's top 500 private enterprises.

In 2022, we have made a series of breakthroughs and landmark achievements in high-performing growth, high-quality development and high-level opening, further solidified the industrial structure of lithium-ion material integration, further strengthened the business pattern of overseas resources, domestic manufacturing and global market, further broadened the transformation path of controlling resources at the top, expanding markets at the bottom and improving capabilities at the middle, and further improved our ability to create value for customers and contribute to the industry, which has enhanced our confidence in completing the 10-Year Mission in Five Years.


"The achievements of the past year have been hard-won, and the achievements of the past 20 years have been proud." Mr. Chen, on behalf of the enterprise, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Huayou people at home and abroad who have been striving for progress and forging ahead, and paid sincere respect to Huayou people who have gone abroad in spite of the epidemic, especially those who have not been able to return home for many years due to the epidemic and have stayed overseas!

"The original aspiration is the direction and power, as long as it remains the same, we are not afraid of any changes." After analyzing the macro industrial environment and the situation and tasks ahead, Mr. Chen spoke that over the past 20 years, we have weathered the storm and surpassed ourselves and experienced too many changes, going from Tongxiang to the world, from the cobalt industry to the new energy lithium-ion material industry, and from small and medium-sized enterprise to the top 500 private enterprise in China. Changes have brought the development of Huayou, and the only constant in the changes is our original aspiration:

1. Stick to the original aspiration of the business.

" Either we do not do it, or we should be the first" is our original business aspiration. We have done this in the cobalt industry in the past 20 years, and we want to do this in the field of lithium cathode materials on the journey of transformation and the completion of the 10-Year Mission in Five Years;

2. Firmly adhere to the development strategy

Adhere to strategic orientation, promote the development strategy of "Two New Areas and Three Trends", open up cooperation, forge ahead, and make every effort to broaden the strategic path of high-end products, industrial integration and internationalization of business.

3. Stick to the path of transformation.

"Since the 13th Five-Year Plan period, we have stayed on the "Three-in-One" transformation path of Controlling the Resources Upstream, Developing the Markets Downstream, and Enhancing the Capability from Within, which has proved to be a growth path in line with Huayou's reality and a broader development path with Huayou's characteristics. We will go on this way and explore a glorious and promising path.

No striving for first is regression, no advancement is crisis, without a solid foundation, we cannot afford a strong future." How to stand on the starting point of the 20th anniversary to achieve greater leapfrog development? Mr Chen spoke, striving for 2023, we must strive for excellence, advance quality, accelerate the process of operating internationalization, improve the level of international operation with a high level of openness, and make concerted efforts to promote the grand process of completing the 10-year mission in five years; In 2023, we need to accomplish the following three things:

Build ESG management system

Both domestic and overseas companies should build up ESG management system to enhance the company's sustainable development and international operation capability. Build a good ESG system to make it a passport for the company to go international and a moat to achieve sustainable development.

Promote talent localization strategy

Talent localization is the inevitable requirement of going out and developing, and is the objective need of internationalization of operation. On the basis of the original talent localization, we should adhere to and promote the strategy of talent localization, raise the proportion of local talents, improve the level of international management, and contribute to local economic and social development.

Strengthen the international business pattern

If we can't control the source, we can't control the end. In 2023, we should take big steps to go out, build Indonesian projects, look for opportunities in Africa, promote the construction of plants in Europe, plan the layout of North America, further consolidate the business pattern of overseas resources, domestic manufacturing and global market, strengthen international operation, improve the level of internationalization, and promote the high-quality development of the "Three-in-One" of the enterprise with a high level of openness.

"In the past 20 years, we have experienced thousands of difficult moments; in the next 20 years, we still need to trek through many challenges." Mr. Chen said, we should strive for 2023! Time will not stop, space waits for no one, we have to deepen the three major perceptions, firm four self-confidence, practice five experiences on the basis of the enterprise's 20 years of development, aim high to take the lead, break through in quality, make concerted efforts to advance the grand process for the 10-year mission in five years; open cooperation, pioneering advancement, concentrating on accelerating the enterprise's Three-in-One of high-quality transformation and development, to strive for the fulfillment of the year's goals and tasks, take the 10-Year Mission in five years to a new height!

At the same time, the 2023 Performance Contract Signing Ceremony was also held at the conference, and signatory representatives made statements and collective oaths, and completed 2022 awards ceremony and many other agendas. 

